Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Internship over = One step closer to graduation!

Well after a crazy 6 weeks my internship is over!  It was fun, exciting, stressful and exhausting all at once.  I answered hundreds of emails, made and answered hundreds of phone calls, cut stuff, organized stuff, set up stuff for volunteers to organize, and worked the race.  
At the race on Friday I was at the first major exchange point from 8:30am to 8:30pm.  For 11 of those hours I stood in front of hundreds of people and gave an 8-10 minute safety briefing one right after the other.  

This was my table I stood at all day.  These were my props and I got to use that massive megaphone! However the most interesting part of the day occurred when I gave my $100 running shoes to a random lady that forgot her running shoes.  Luckily she trained in my exact shoes and wears the exact same size.  She also works in a running store in Orem and said she would send me a new pair of shoes!  

On Saturday after getting 4 hours of sleep I drove to the finish line in Park City.  I was there from 4am to 7pm.  My official title (that I gave myself) was Van 1 and VIP/Volunteer Parking Lot Assistant Manager!  I help DJ the Parking lot manager with all parking and volunteer issues.  I was super happy with being stationed at Parking lot headquarters where I got to stand in the shade all day and talk on a walkie talkie with a cool head set! I also got to drive a sweet side by side ATV like a Rhino around.  That was a lot of fun!
It was also pretty entertaining to watch all the older runners limp by on their way to the finish line while all of the younger runners, especially the high school teams, walk around like they hadn't just run 20 miles in 2 days with no sleep.
It was fun but I am so happy to be back at real work getting paid instead of paying money for the chance to work for free.

Just for fun:
Evander likes to read on the iPad before bed.

Happy Birthday Brock!

Brock is 26!

Little Foot, Evander, Bunny, Tickle Me Elmo, Little Bear, and Dog all wanted to wish him Happy Birthday too!

For his birthday Brock got a new fly fishing rod (I let him buy it a month ago) and a tool set from his parents.  On Friday we will finally have time to celebrate by going to dinner at Rickenbaker Steak House!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I started a blog!!

Well... I finally did.  I created a blog where  I will post pictures from our boring life.

An update on our lives:
I have one more week of my six week internship left at Ragnar.  I am helping them get ready for their Wasatch Back Relay Race.  It is a 200ish mile relay from Logan to Park City.  Probably one of the biggest relays in the country with over 1,100 teams, most with 12 runners on a team.  My internship has comprised of answering emails all day long, charging walkie talkie batteries, changing batteries in flashing LED lights and using a paper cutter.
For the race next weekend I will spend all day Friday up in Liberty, UT giving Safety Briefings to thousands of runners!  Then I have to be in Park City at 3:30am where I am the assistant to the guy over all of the finish line parking lots.  Then I will help clean up the finish line until the wee hours of Sunday morning!  I am so excited!  It's going to be a long weekend.

After I am done at Ragnar I will return to S&S to all of my amazing co-workers I dearly miss and start working for money again!!

Brock has started a new job at Mackenzie Exhibit.  They build the booths for expos for outdoor sporting goods companies like Salomon and Atomic.  The booths are humongous!  This is kind of what they look like, only bigger.

Other than work and more work we don't do much else except go for rides on the motorcycle and come home to things like this:

This is Evander our unicorn!  He he wanted to go for a ride on the motorcycle too.

More posts to come soon!  Evander has had lots of adventures over the last few weeks!